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Excelent. It feels really tense while being super simple and fun.


Loved it, tied to go for a full slay-them-all on 1 hp, which ended up being harder than I thought, but I love the simplicity of the gameplay, can you please add a download file for Linux ?


I kinda did it actually, I slew all of them without healing


This is really fun, but I am really bad at it, so it turned into a stealth game. I actually think a stealth game like this style would work well!

Seems a little easy overall to be honest. That and I think the black enemies seem to be easier than the green ones, since you don't really get nearly as impatient with them, as weird as that seems.

so cute!



That's adorable, I killed all of them.


Hey, I thought this game was fun and based a composition idea on it. I posted it here: Let me know if you would like to use it (free). I know it was just a small project, but I wanted something cool to practice composition on.

Between 0:00 & 0:27 is the main theme, Between 0:27 and 1:01 is the track when in battle, 1:01 - 1:05 is the end of a battle. Then 1:05 to 2:00 is back to the main theme with a twist. You could also just play it through if you want.


Pls, make standalone Windows-build.

Added a Windows build download.


Nice I like it


Really amazed how cool this unlit style looks. Cool mechanics, it works well.


Incredible!  Love the art style and the fencing mechanic is pretty nifty.

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Wow! I love the dueling. Surprised that a good game like this was made in such a short amount of time! Keep it up! :)


Cool game, nice look. Trees can become a problem with combat sometimes, hard to see


Really awesome, you game has a nice look! The combat is feels very unique, it was a bit difficulty to master for me though. Great game :)